I felt cranky. I felt crotchety. Basically I just felt old.

I always thought my prime was sweet 21, so to be turning terrible 23 was like becoming ancient. Not that being ancient is bad, but you have to have something in your history to make you an artifact worth anything, and without any kids (even "kid" singular), without a husband, without a boyfriend in sight, not even a pet...geez I'm just decomposing. Mulling over the thought "Why don't you just bury me now?", another thought came to mind, "Why don't you just start living now?"

Haha, Brilliant! I realized I could simply change my prime and I'd still be a "spring chicken". So I officially have decided 25 is my prime, and I still have two whole years to feel crazy, excited, hopeful, and oh so young with my whole life and future ahead of me.

Now that is something worth celebrating!...the birth of a whole new year, every year, for the rest of my life:)


Oooh lixy, I'm so happy that you got to turn one year older!! it just means you're getting one year more wise!!
I really know this year will bring new cool things!! I love you tons and will visit this blog often!! xoxoxoxox